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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - teach


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 verb  (taught; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English techen to show, instruct, from Old English t?can; akin to Old English tacn signmore at token  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to cause to know something taught them a trade  b. to cause to know how is ~ing me to drive  c. to accustom to some action or attitude ~ students to think for themselves  d. to cause to know the disagreeable consequences of some action I'll ~ you to come home late  2. to guide the studies of  3. to impart the knowledge of ~ algebra  4.  a. to instruct by precept, example, or experience  b. to make known and accepted experience ~es us our limitations  5. to conduct instruction regularly in ~ school  intransitive verb to provide instruction ; act as a ~er  Usage: see learn Synonyms:  ~, instruct, educate, train, discipline, school mean to cause to acquire knowledge or skill. ~ applies to any manner of imparting information or skill so that others may learn taught us a lot about our planet. instruct suggests methodical or formal ~ing instructs raw recruits in military drill. educate implies development of the mind more things than formal schooling serve to educate a person. train stresses instruction and drill with a specific end in view trained foreign pilots to operate the new aircraft. discipline implies training in habits of order and precision a disciplined mind. school implies training or disciplining especially in what is hard to master schooled the horse in five gaits.
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  v.tr. (past and past part. taught) 1 a give systematic information to (a person) or about (a subject or skill). b (absol.) practise this professionally. c enable (a person) to do something by instruction and training (taught me to swim; taught me how to dance). 2 advocate as a moral etc. principle (my parents taught me tolerance). 3 (foll. by to + infin.) a induce (a person) by example or punishment to do or not to do a thing (that will teach you to sit still; that will teach you not to laugh). b colloq. make (a person) disinclined to do a thing (I will teach you to interfere). Phrases and idioms teach-in 1 an informal lecture and discussion on a subject of public interest. 2 a series of these. teach a person a lesson see LESSON. teach school US be a teacher in a school. Etymology: OE t{aelig}can f. a Gmc root = 'show' ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) обучать 2) поучать 3) учить ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  гл. обучать TEACH гл. 1) обр. учить, обучать, давать уроки, преподавать; быть учителем She taught English to foreign students. — Она учила иностранных студентов английскому языку. Who taught you to use your PC? — Кто учил тебя работать на компьютере? The episode taught me a lesson I’ll never forget. — Этот случай стал для меня уроком, который я никогда не забуду. Syn: educate, indoctrinate, instruct, tutor 2) общ. приучать, учить Syn: accustom, habituate 3) общ. проучить I'll teach you to come home late. — Я тебе покажу, как приходить домой поздно. ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. учить, обучать to teach children —- учить детей to teach smb. to write —- обучать кого-л. писать to teach smb. swimming —- учить кого-л. плавать to teach smb. English, to teach English to smb. —- обучать кого-л. английскому языку to teach oneself smth. —- научиться чему-л. (самоучкой) to teach smb. how to drive a car —- показать кому-л., как управлять машиной to teach (a) school —- диал. ам. преподавать в школе 2. сообщать you can't teach me anything about it —- ты не можешь сообщить мне ничего нового об этом; об этом я знаю больше твоего; я на этом (деле) собаку съел; яйца курицу учат 3. преподавать (какую-л. дисциплину) to teach music —- преподавать музыку to teach the piano —- быть преподадвателем по классу фортепиано to teach the works of Darwin —- пропагандировать учение Дарвина 4. быть учителем, преподавать, учительстволвать to teach in a higher school —- преподавать в высшей школе to teach in a country school —- учительствовать в сельской школе to teach for a living —- зарабатывать на жизнь преподаванием 5. учить; указывать (о крупном ученом, моралисте и т. п.) Darwin teaches that biological species develop —- Дарвин учит, что биологические виды эволюционируют 6. приучать to teach a child to obey —- приучать ребенка к послушанию teach I've been taught never to tell a lie —- меня приучили никогда не лгать 7. научить he taught us to hate —- он научил...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  voice заниматься постановкой голоса; ставить голос TEACH v.  1) учить, обучать; давать уроки, преподавать; to teach smb. French - обучать кого-л. французскому языку  2) учить, приучать; to teach smb. discipline - приучать кого-л. к дисциплине  3) проучить; I will teach him a lesson - я проучу его Syn: educate, indoctrinate, instruct, school, tutor ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (teaches, teaching, taught) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you teach someone something, you give them instructions so that they know about it or how to do it. The trainers have a programme to teach them vocational skills... George had taught him how to ride a horse... She taught Julie to read... The computer has simplified the difficult task of teaching reading to the deaf. VERB: V n n, V n wh, V n to-inf, V n to n 2. To teach someone something means to make them think, feel, or act in a new or different way. Their daughter’s death had taught him humility... He taught his followers that they could all be members of the kingdom of God... Teach them to voice their feelings. VERB: V n n, V n that, V n to-inf, also V n wh, V n about n 3. If you teach or teach a subject, you help students to learn about it by explaining it or showing them how to do it, usually as a job at a school, college, or university. Ingrid is currently teaching Mathematics at Shimla Public School... She taught English to Japanese business people... She has taught for 34 years... She taught children French. ...this twelve month taught course. VERB: V n, V n to n, V, V n n, V-ed 4. to teach someone a lesson: see lesson see also teaching ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  past tense and past participle taught ~ v 1 »SCHOOL/COLLEGE ETC« to give lessons in a school, college, or university  (Guy's been teaching in France for 3 years now. | teach English/mathematics/history etc)  (Janet teaches science at a local school. | teach sth to sb)  (I'm teaching English to Italian students. | teach school/college etc AmE (=teach in a school etc))  (My Dad taught school in New York.) 2 »SHOW SB HOW« to show someone how to do something  (teach sb (how) to do sth)  (My father taught me to swim. | Hamad is teaching me how to play the guitar. | teach sb sth)  (Can you teach me one of your card tricks?) 3 »CHANGE SB's IDEAS« to show or tell someone how they should behave or what they should think  (teach sb to do sth)  (When I was young, children were taught to treat older people with respect. | teach sb sth)  (The trouble is that parents don't teach their kids the difference between right and wrong.) 4 »EXPERIENCE SHOWS STH« if an experience or situation teaches you something, it helps you to understand something about life  (teach sb to do sth)  (Poverty taught us to appreciate the little things in life.) 5 that'll teach you! spoken used when something unpleasant has just happened to someone because they ignored your warning  (that'll teach you to do sth)  (That'll teach you to park your car in a restricted area!) 6 teach sb a lesson informal to punish someone to make sure that they will not behave badly again  (Next time he comes home drunk lock him out, that'll teach him a lesson.) 7 you can't teach an old dog new tricks used to say that older people often do not want to change the way they do things 8 teach your grandmother (to suck eggs) BrE to give someone advice about something that they already know  ( USAGE NOTE: TEACH WORD CHOICE teach, instruct, coach, tutor, train, educate Teach is the general word for helping a person or group of people to learn something He teaches German at a local school. | Mom taught me to drive. If you instruct someone you usually teach them, especially in a...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  educ. abbr. To Encourage And Challenge Homeschoolers educ. abbr. Teacher Education And Compensation Helps law abbr. The Technology Education And Copyright Harmonization ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - O.E. tжcan (past tense and pp. tжhte), from P.Gmc. *taikijanan, from PIE *deik- "show." Related to O.E. tacen, tacn "sign, mark" (see token). O.E. tжcan had more a sense of "show, declare, warn, persuade;" while the O.E. word for "to teach, instruct, guide" was more commonly lжran, source of modern learn and lore. To learn someone (something) is historically, etymologically, a justifiable expression. Teacher "one who teaches" emerged late 13c., from an earlier sense of "index finger." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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